How To Boost Your Real Estate Lead Generation Efforts

How To Boost Your Real Estate Lead Generation Efforts

March 27, 20235 min read

While there are many affecting parts in real estate marketing, lead generation is essential for both potential buyers and sellers.

Initially, this part of marketing may feel challenging for many agents to navigate. How are leads generated? What are the excellent ways to generate leads for real estate? Real estate lead generation companies can completely boost your lead generation process and take it to the next level. Here are nine concepts to boost your lead generation strategy:

1. Social media

Over the last several years, social media channels have provided real estate agents a platform to sell properties, connect with other real estate experts, and develop relationships with scenarios. If cold calling and direct mail fail, turn to social media for respected lead generation. Your value-based content will come in handy for attracting potential clients.

2. Share links to gated content

Gated content is made available through a user completing a lead generation form. If interested readers observe the promoted content as respected, they will be willing to input their contact information to increase access, such as their email address or phone number.

A lead form is only worth it if online users see it and are involved with it. Share the link to your landing page on your social media channels, which will house the gated content and the lead generation form. Those who see the value in the content will fill out your contact form to download the offer. Gated content can contain white papers, webinars, case studies, videos, infographics, and more. When looking for online leads, gated content marketing has one of the maximum conversion rates.

3. Social proof on your social media channels

Using social proof can intensely increase leads as well as conversations. This psychological phenomenon, where people adapt to the actions of others based on the assumption that their behavior is correct, has shown promising results for marketers in real estate lead generation services. LinkedIn is also a great channel to build social proof through recommendations from your previous clients.

Studies show that nearly 70 percent of consumers look at product assessments before purchasing. Deliberate your services and brand a product. You want to showcase why you have valued the lens of your clients and colleagues.

After you sell a listing on a home, send your clients an NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey. On a scale of 0-10, you will see how likely your clients are to acclaim you to others.

A score of 0-6 means they are a detractor. These clients are unhappy and will not acclaim you. A score of 7-8 means they are passives. Passives are happy but could be more enthusiastic. They remain vulnerable to competitive offerings. Those with a score of 9-10 are your promoters. These clients are faithful and passionate. They will keep using your services and are happy to share their success stories.  

So, what is the best way to show off your promoters? Ask your supporters to deliver a testimonial. These little nuggets of social proof can be shared generously on social media platforms and within email campaigns. Pair these testimonials with your real estate photography images for extra pictorial oomph! 

4. Branding

To find success in real estate, developing a solid brand is imperious. A professional brand image helps you stand out from peers and other agencies during listing performances and beyond.

5. Optimize and maintain your website

A website with no lead generation optimization does no one any good. If your web page looks great but lacks an enticing CTA (call-to-action), you could be misplaced with some valuable prospects.

Most prospects need more time to develop a customer during the first or second contact. It takes some nurturing to appeal to valuable leads. There are several ways, however, to optimize your website for lead capturing. You can add lead capture forms to the pages that drive the most significant traffic. If you find that you are bringing in a large amount of local traffic, your web visitors find it related to your content. This is an excessive place to add a “subscribe to updates” opt-in.

6. Never stop networking 

Networking is a big part of any business, and real estate is the same. Expanding your circle and meeting new people is a significant part of getting your name out there. Networking can be done in circles with other real estate professionals, but it doesn’t close there.

Every social interface is a networking opportunity. If you position yourself as an authority figure on the market and all things real estate, people will evoke you the next time they need to buy or sell a house. The more people you know, the more likely leads.

7. Neighborhood farming

A general strategy in realtor lead generation is neighborhood farming. No, we don’t mean laying down some original crops. Neighborhood farming concentrates on generating leads in one specific area or neighborhood. This strategy requires learning about the demographic in the area you want to target, and marketing to them can be done via email, direct mail, and other marketing strategies.

8. Direct Mail

Direct mail is spontaneous for advertising sent to prospective customers via snail mail. I know what you’re thinking. Snail mail? Who uses snail mail today? But while direct mail may not be the best way to promote every business, it's an excellent form for realtors.

Direct mail lets you showcase a property you’ve effectively sold and gain new leads without worrying about a devastating response.


Real estate lead generation business is not always accessible. Building a personal brand, credibility, and effective marketing strategies takes time. But don't give up hope just yet! While competition can be fierce, utilizing the strategies outlined in our article will generate new leads in no time. Start generating real estate leads today with the help of Reda Marketing.

real estate lead generation servicesReal estate lead generation companies
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Reda El Harissi

Founder and CEO| Reda Marketing

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